Monday 13 April 2009

I'm Back!

Sorry for not posting these past few months, i've been very lazy, well here is a quick update!
Firt of all, here are some pictures of what i was doing back when there was still snow on the ground! I managed to catch a tuna one day during the fishing contest, it turned out to be quite a bit one, it was measured at 74.5 inches.

Also, i decided to donate 200,000 bells to the town fund, so i got an extra bridge for Longleat, but knowing my luck, both option of where to put the bridge were right next to another one, but i went ahead and got it anyway.

A month or so later, i was really happy to find the snow gone, and the green grass back, im so glad it is back, i probably could not survive another day of the same things, along with the new season, i got a new look!
As most of you will know, the easter event was yesterday, i managed to get all of the egg items except for the clock, mostly becuase i could not find the egg anywhere, i looked all through longleat 3 times. I deicded to place it in the bastment of my house.