Tuesday 3 February 2009

An update... on Tuesday!?!

Yes, i have decided to do an update today, why you ask? Well becuase i have had yesterday and today off becuase of the snow, yay!
Anyway, on to the Animal Crossing news! As it is a new season and spring is coming up, Graciegrace got some new items, the Princess Theme, i deffinalty plan on trying to complete the collection and i have all spring to do it, here is a picture of the stuff on show at GracieGrace.

Also, everyone in America would know that it was Groundhog day yesterday, so i got searching the ACC forums for someone who was willing to invite me over so i can get the Resetti model, and after a while i found someone who was willing to have me come over :D. After this i will get searching for someone who is in Japan as i belive the 3rd of February is bean day.

So this is it for the Tuesday update, no i'm off to find someone who has bean day in their town, cya!

Edit: Also, as you can see i have just updated the header that i pulled togeather on hpotoshop, i hope you like it!

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