Friday 30 January 2009


This week there is much more of an update, sorry about last week i was very tired and i think i was being a bit lazy :D. But anyway here is what i have been up to this week!

As i mentioned a week or so back, Limberg has moved away, he was not my favourite character so i'm quite happy and im yet to see who will replace him! I just hope it is Rosie as she is one of my favourite characters, but i will just have to wait and see!

Next i have some completely random pictures, this first one is when i was lucky enough to see two cracks in the ground within one screenshot of each other, one was a fossil that i donated to the museam and the other was one of things that make a noise and i dont know how to spell.

Also here is me falling into a pitfall near the sea so it looks like i'm drowning and i also pushed Goose into a pitfall and then he got really angry, but it was very funny!

Also, i decided to change my look (AGAIN!) but i am still keeping my pink hair, in this look i am wearing the 'bun wig' with my pink hair, a 'pink zap suit' and pink shoes!

And finally, my friend Rose from another website called 'Smallworlds' (a virtual website for teens which is free and you don't need to download anything) and if you want to join you can put your e-mail in a comment and i can send you an invite *end plug*. I went round to Rose's town first which is called Mars, she showed me her cool alien mask and the rest of her town, here are some pictures i took around her town!

She showed me her house which was a bit small as she just started again and then we had a net fight before she came over to Longleat to check out what my town is like!

But as soon as Rose came over, my dad wanted to watch TV, so i had to let him go on. And this is all for now, i might decide to update later this weekend, but don't bet on anything, so it's bye from Rose and i for now!

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