Friday 16 January 2009

Northern Lights and balloons!

Hello! I'm here with my weekly update on what im doing in Animal Crossing, i have to say that not much has happened this week, becuase i have moslty been concentrating on getting some bells to buy some stuff from GracieGrace before the season changes. I have had some quite good catches, but this is probably as good as i will get, im not the best fisher.

Also, the Balloon man finally came! I have been looking forward to getting a ballon for a long time, so i was really happy! The frst time i saw him was yesterday (15th Jan) where i got an orange bunny balloon and today (16th Jan) i got a pink bunny balloon!

Also, Lolly has moved out, even though i tried to stop her, there was nothing i could do so i hope she is happy in her new town, also today Limberg (sp?) told me that he would be leaving Longleat soon. But in other news, Longleat has a new resident, he is a mouse called Moose!

And last but not least, as i was abot to go off to watch QI, the northern lights started to show up, i managed to get some pictures but htey are not the best, and ill try to update some more in the morning (I'm writing this at 10pm) if i can take some images before i got to bed. I hope everyone will have a groovy weekend, and i would love ot hear your comments!


  1. Hey Kat! I'm sorry to hear that Lolly moved away. We've convinced one of our neighbors to stay, but it took awhile. I saved up and bought some Gracie Grace stuff too. The tuxedo and fancy hat :)

  2. Awesome, the first item i bought on CF was the fancy hat from GracieGrace :)

  3. wow kat =) I love animal crossing... but never thought to create a blog about it!
    Btw I realy love this blog. And how did u guyz save for gracie grace!!!???

  4. wow i really want the balloon guy to come to my the city i go everyday and he's never there!
