Friday 30 January 2009


This week there is much more of an update, sorry about last week i was very tired and i think i was being a bit lazy :D. But anyway here is what i have been up to this week!

As i mentioned a week or so back, Limberg has moved away, he was not my favourite character so i'm quite happy and im yet to see who will replace him! I just hope it is Rosie as she is one of my favourite characters, but i will just have to wait and see!

Next i have some completely random pictures, this first one is when i was lucky enough to see two cracks in the ground within one screenshot of each other, one was a fossil that i donated to the museam and the other was one of things that make a noise and i dont know how to spell.

Also here is me falling into a pitfall near the sea so it looks like i'm drowning and i also pushed Goose into a pitfall and then he got really angry, but it was very funny!

Also, i decided to change my look (AGAIN!) but i am still keeping my pink hair, in this look i am wearing the 'bun wig' with my pink hair, a 'pink zap suit' and pink shoes!

And finally, my friend Rose from another website called 'Smallworlds' (a virtual website for teens which is free and you don't need to download anything) and if you want to join you can put your e-mail in a comment and i can send you an invite *end plug*. I went round to Rose's town first which is called Mars, she showed me her cool alien mask and the rest of her town, here are some pictures i took around her town!

She showed me her house which was a bit small as she just started again and then we had a net fight before she came over to Longleat to check out what my town is like!

But as soon as Rose came over, my dad wanted to watch TV, so i had to let him go on. And this is all for now, i might decide to update later this weekend, but don't bet on anything, so it's bye from Rose and i for now!

Saturday 24 January 2009


Just a vary quick update this week, mostly becuase i havw not been playing much becuase this week i had to choose my GCSE's. But anyway, here is what i have been up to this week:

Nooks upgraded to nookingtons and i payed of one of my mortgages so i now have an upstairs.
Also i forgot to take pictures, so that is it sorry for the short update.

Sunday 18 January 2009

Just a quick update!

Just a quick update now, here are some more northern light pictures, and don't worry, i won't take anymore pictures of the sky XD.

Also, the fishing contest was on yesterday, but it was not just a normal one, it was a pond smelt competition, and i managed to win with a 6.6 inch pond spelt. But i only got a silver trophy, im not sure why, but it could be becuase i already have a gold one, but i'm really not sure.

And that's really it for now, ill try to get some more interesting stuff next week, cya!

Friday 16 January 2009

Northern Lights and balloons!

Hello! I'm here with my weekly update on what im doing in Animal Crossing, i have to say that not much has happened this week, becuase i have moslty been concentrating on getting some bells to buy some stuff from GracieGrace before the season changes. I have had some quite good catches, but this is probably as good as i will get, im not the best fisher.

Also, the Balloon man finally came! I have been looking forward to getting a ballon for a long time, so i was really happy! The frst time i saw him was yesterday (15th Jan) where i got an orange bunny balloon and today (16th Jan) i got a pink bunny balloon!

Also, Lolly has moved out, even though i tried to stop her, there was nothing i could do so i hope she is happy in her new town, also today Limberg (sp?) told me that he would be leaving Longleat soon. But in other news, Longleat has a new resident, he is a mouse called Moose!

And last but not least, as i was abot to go off to watch QI, the northern lights started to show up, i managed to get some pictures but htey are not the best, and ill try to update some more in the morning (I'm writing this at 10pm) if i can take some images before i got to bed. I hope everyone will have a groovy weekend, and i would love ot hear your comments!

Friday 9 January 2009

Lots of photo's and my new look!

I hope everyone is having a great week, i could not update much this week becuase i was back to school, so ill mostly be updating over the weekend. Now this weeks update includes alot of pictures of the sky, mostly becuase it is just so clear around this time of year, so here they are!

Also, on new years day, i managed to make Tortimer walk all the way to the edge of Longleat, and then i dug lots of holes all around him so he could not move, and he was there for the day, here is a picture i took when he was trapped *evil laugh*

I also got a golden slingshot (yay me :D) i managed to shoot down the special floating gift that had 3 balloons on it, but i sadly forgot to take a pciture, so here is one i took after.

Also, the otherday the carpet lady (i can't remember her name) came asking for old carpets, so i maneged to get 3 old carpets and she gave me an office floor!

Also, last but not leased i got a new look! I have decided to go for a strawberry look after the shirt and the hat was in Able's at the same time and my hair is pink so it looks very cool :D So here is my new look!

Sunday 4 January 2009

Money, money, money!

I've been very lucky reacently, i finished planting coconut trees all along my coast, so once they had all grown i sold all of them for 25,000 bells! I have also invested in a red turnip, you just buy a seed on sunday, plant it and water it everyday for 6 days, then on Saturday, you can sell it for 16,000 bells.

And finally, lots of my non-native fruit trees have been growing, i got a few friends over wi-fi to give me some in exchange for some apples, but now im trying to play the game without using wi-fi.

Now i must go and get some more bells! :)

Also good luck to everyone who is back at school on Monday, i'm back on Tuesday.

Thursday 1 January 2009

Happy New Year!

Happy new year to everyone! To start of 2009, i slept in 'till noon, so sorry that i have not updated yet, but here it goes!

This is a picture that i took whilst i waited for the countdown to begin. It was such a clear night that i do not see that often in Winter!

It was soo close to the countdown now, only a few minute to go, so i started getting ready to take some pictures of the fireworks and the celebration!

And finally, as i heard fireworks from houses around my house in real life, it was 2009! The fireworks started and the celebration began, too bad i had to go to bed, otherwise i would be celebrating all night, here are some pictures of the fireworks i took that were going off behind the town hall!